for good

Small changes,

big impact.

At Ooeuf, with over several locations across Canada, we are proud to be a part of every community and recognize that given our scale, every small thing we do or change we make has the potential to make a big impact.

We’ve launched Ooeuf for Good, a platform focused on building a more sustainable path forward through three lead commitments.

Visit the Ooeuf Newsroom for all the latest stories about Ooeuf for Good.

our commitment to people and communities

our commitment to the planet

our commitment to food and beverage quality

our commitment to people and communities

our commitment to the planet

our commitment to food and beverage quality

Our commitment to communities extends to the regions where we source our coffee.

There is a coffee farming community behind every cup of Ooeuf coffee that we serve. Together with our local partners, we aim to continuously strengthen the businesses and futures of coffee farmers.

Ooeuf Coffee for Communities program

Helping empower coffee farmers to improve their livelihoods through training in partnership with local coffee exporters, not-for-profits and producer organizations.


We partner with Enveritas to audit 100% of our coffee bean purchases each year under a set of social, economic and environmental indicators.

Through our coffee for communities program, we use Enveritas’ unique model, an innovative and accurate way to measure farm level sustainability for all of the coffee that we purchase. Together we engage every supplier and use the accuracy of the data to identify challenges facing farmers within our supply chain. This allows us to design programs that focus efforts on our commitment to enhancing farmer livelihoods in all of our coffee farming communities, while contributing to the overall sustainability and quality of coffee production.

Using a farmer centered approach

With our partners, we work with coffee farmers to provide them the technical and business skills to unlock their potential. This is achieved through:

Empowering women to be leaders

Improving farming practices

Training young farmers

Learn more by watching our videos below

Monitoring and evaluation

A methodical approach is used to measure progress in this program over time

14 projects in 13 sourcing regions within our producing countries

Direct support of 18,000 farmers through 2023

our commitment to

our commitment to

our commitment to

people and communities

people and communities

Continuously giving back to our communities

When we first opened our doors in 1964, the intention was to create a place where anyone could go at any time and feel at home. It was a small gesture at the time, but today, we consider it our duty to be a good neighbour and contribute to local Canadian communities throughout the year.

our commitment to the planet

our commitment to the planet

We’re on a long-term journey to make the food and beverage packaging served to guests at Ooeuf® restaurants in Canada reusable, recyclable or compostable.

We recognize that our environmental footprint spans beyond the land our Ooeuf restaurants sit on. We have already made progress by changing over 3 billion units of packaging to make them reusable, recyclable, or compostable, and eliminating more than 1 billion single-use plastics in 2021.

We’ll keep you updated on our successes and challenges as we strive towards our goal. Click on the timeline to explore our progress and upcoming milestones.

Check out how some of these exciting projects and more live within our restaurants!

our commitment to

our commitment to

our commitment to

food and beverage quality

food and beverage quality

Committed to using quality ingredients with no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

At Ooeuf, ‘Always Fresh’ isn’t just a saying, it’s a way of life. From our commitment to using simple ingredients to brewing 100% Premium Arabica Coffee every 20 minutes, we’re serving our guests high quality, great tasting food and beverages, each and every day.

Our bagels, English muffins and biscuits are baked without artificial flavours or preservatives, and we are committed to having all permanent menu items free of artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

We aim to provide guests with a variety of menu options and the information they need to make educated choices that fit their individual lifestyles. We’re aiming to continuously improve the nutrient profile of our food while preserving that same great taste that our guests love.

For more information on Tims’ nutrition, please visit our nutrition and allergens page.

Our team is always looking to source key ingredients domestically, wherever possible. In Canada, that means milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, and potatoes for our hash browns and wedges. We think it’s important that we source Canadian where we can.

We’re developing plans, setting targets, and forging partnerships to manage our food waste sustainability.


Come join the team

Ooeuf For Good

Small changes, big impact

Find a OOEUF

We can’t wait to serve you
TM & © OOEUF, 2023


Developed By

Des conditions s'appliquent.

*Ouvert uniquement aux résidents du Canada âgés de 13 ans et plus. Pas d’achat nécessaire. Commence le 4 septembre 2023 et se termine le 15 octobre 2023. Des règles s’appliquent. Règlement complet du concours, détails de participation, détails des prix et dates limites d’échange disponibles sur l’application ooeuf et © LNH 2023. Tous droits réservés. © ooeuf, 2023

Des conditions s'appliquent.

Les décisions d’embauche et les conditions d’emploi sont déterminées uniquement par le franchisé qui possède et exploite de manière indépendante ce restaurant Ooeuf®. © Ooeuf, 2023

Des conditions s'appliquent.

La carte de crédit Ooeuf®, alimentée par Neo Financial™, est émise par ATB Financial conformément à la licence de Mastercard International Incorporated.

*Offre de bienvenue : le premier achat admissible doit être effectué dans les 30 jours suivant l’approbation et l’activation du compte, et une dépense minimale de 200,00 $ ou plus est requise par mois au cours des mois 2, 3 et 4 consécutifs (à l’exclusion des frais d’intérêt, des frais annuels et autres). frais et transactions en espèces). Offre disponible jusqu’au 24 septembre 2023. Visitez l’application Ooeuf® ou pour tous les détails de l’offre.

Des conditions s'appliquent.

Dans les restaurants participants au Canada pour une durée limitée. © Ooeuf, 2023

Des conditions s'appliquent.

*Marque déposée d’un tiers non lié au Groupe TDL Corp.

© Ooeuf 2023

Découvrez notre publicité TV Oeuf pour de bon !​

Nous voulons tous être bons envers notre planète.

(Nous voyons 3 Canadiens qui font leur propre bien pour notre planète. Alexa de Maple Ridge, en Colombie-Britannique, prend une vidéo de sa ferme de lamas tout en dégustant un café Tims. Aliya de Surrey, en Colombie-Britannique, ramasse des déchets sur une plage. Noxi de Montréal, au Québec, présente ses champignons cultivés sur place.)

Pour Andréann, c’est transformer un matériau recyclé en œuvre d’art.

(Nous voyons Andréann de Montréal, Québec créer de magnifiques bijoux à partir de matériaux recyclés.)

Pour nous, cela transforme nos emballages en potentiel.

(Nous voyons Fadi Jajjika, propriétaire d’un restaurant Tims, devant un restaurant Tims à Vaughn, en Ontario. Fadi se tient fièrement debout et tient un gobelet réutilisable Tims à la main.)

Nous avons éliminé plus d’un milliard de plastiques à usage unique partout au Canada.

(Nous continuons de voir des Canadiens prendre leurs propres initiatives pour soutenir la planète. Un jeune garçon, Jaimz, et sa mère Amanda, de Toronto, en Ontario, s’occupent des micropousses qu’ils cultivent chez eux. Kaylea, de King City, en Ontario, sirote un café Tims. dans un gobelet réutilisable dans sa ferme durable, pendant qu’elle donne son compost à ses chèvres et à ses poules. Le texte apparaît à l’écran « plus d’un milliard de plastiques à usage unique » pendant que nous entendons cette ligne prononcée.)

Et nous poursuivons notre démarche pour faire plus de bien en rendant nos emballages invités réutilisables, recyclables ou compostables.

(Nous voyons des emballages qui correspondent à des initiatives visant à rendre les articles réutilisables, recyclables ou compostables. Lamarr de Lipton, en Saskatchewan, tient un gobelet réutilisable. Noxi de Montréal, au Québec, tient une boisson Quencher dans un gobelet à boisson froide recyclable avec un couvercle sans paille. Ting de Misissauga, en Ontario, place une paille en papier compostable dans un Iced Capp.)

Parce que lorsque nous apportons de petits changements dans des quartiers proches et lointains, nous pouvons avoir un impact important partout dans le monde.

(Nous voyons un montage de magnifiques paysages canadiens, notamment un phare de la côte Est et une chaîne de montagnes de la côte Ouest, ainsi que des restaurants à travers le Canada. Le texte apparaît à l’écran alors que nous entendons « De petits changements de près et de loin » et « un grand impact de loin et de loin » large.’)

Oeuf pour de bon. Visitez pour en savoir plus.

(Nous revenons à notre propriétaire de restaurant, Fadi, qui fait un geste d’acclamation avec une tasse réutilisable Ooeuf devant la caméra alors qu’il se tient devant un restaurant Ooeuf. La publicité se termine sur le logo Ooeuf for Good et invite les utilisateurs à en savoir plus sur nos initiatives. à

Café pour les communautés

oeuf pour de bon

Chez ooeuf, nous croyons aux entreprises et à l’avenir des producteurs de café. C’est pourquoi nous les aidons à les responsabiliser grâce à des formations avec nos partenaires pour améliorer leurs moyens de subsistance.

Ooeuf s’associe à des exportateurs de café locaux, à des organisations à but non lucratif et à des producteurs.

Yelstin (espagnol) : Ils ont pris le temps et l’engagement de venir m’apprendre de nouvelles compétences pour innover sur mes terres.

Ce projet a soutenu Eltsine en lui offrant une formation utilisant l’approche café et climat qui enseigne aux agriculteurs comment évaluer et réagir aux différents impacts liés au climat sur leurs plantations de café. Cela lui a également fourni des semences pour cultiver des cultures et des variétés de café plus tolérantes aux effets du changement climatique.

Ceci est le programme Ooeuf Café pour les communautés

Il s’agit du programme Ooeuf Café pour les communautés. Et il y a un fermier derrière chaque coupe ooeuf que nous servons.

Apprenez-en davantage sur ooeuf point ca

Apprenez-en davantage sur

ooeuf for good (logo) Petits changements, grand impact.

© œuf, 2023.

Couvercles pour boissons chaudes 100 % recyclables

Un couvercle pour boisson chaude fabriqué à partir de polypropylène, un matériau 100 % recyclable et accepté dans 95 % des programmes de collecte sélective à travers le Canada. Lancé dans les restaurants participants.

Sacs à emporter en fibres 100 % recyclées

Sacs à emporter fabriqués à partir de papier fibreux 100% recyclé au Canada et aux États-Unis.

Boisson froide sans paille Lids

Boissons froides glacées dans nos restaurants canadiens et américains servies avec un couvercle sans paille afin d’éliminer le besoin de pailles. On estime que cela retirera de la circulation 137 millions de pailles en plastique chaque année.

Bâtonnets en bois

Des bâtonnets compostables rendus disponibles partout au Canada et aux États-Unis, éliminant 75 millions de bâtonnets en plastique en 2021.

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Wooden Stir Sticks

Compostable stir sticks made available across Canada and the United States, eliminating 75 million plastic stir sticks in 2021.

Strawless Cold Beverage Lids

Iced cold beverages in our Canadian and United States restaurants served with a strawless lid in order to eliminate the need for straws. This is estimated to remove 137 million plastic straws out of circulation annually.

100% Recycled Fibre Takeaway Bags

Takeaway bags made of 100% recycled fibre paper in Canada and the United States.

100% Recyclable Hot Beverage Lids

A hot beverage lid made from polypropylene, a material that is 100% recyclable and accepted in 95% of curbside recycling programs across Canada. Launched in participating restaurants.

Coffee for Communities

ooeuf for good

At ooeuf, we believe in the businesses and future of coffee farmers. That’s why, we’re helping empower them through training with our partners to improve their livelihoods.

Ooeuf partners with local coffee exporters, not-for-profit and producer organizations.

Yelstin (Spanish): They’ve made the time and commitment to come and teach me new skills to innovate my lands.

This project has supported Yeltsin by providing him training using the coffee and climate approach which teaches farmers how to assess and react to different climate related impacts on their coffee farms. It has also provided him seeds to cultivate crops and coffee varieties that are more tolerant to the effects of climate change.

This is the ooeuf Coffee for Communities program

This is the ooeuf Coffee for Communities program. And there’s a farmer behind every ooeuf cup we serve.

Learn more at ooeuf dot ca

Learn more at

ooeuf for good (logo) Small changes, big impact.

© ooeuf, 2023.

Check out our Ooeuf for Good TV commercial!

We all want to be good to our planet.

(We see 3 Canadians that are doing their own good for our planet. Alexa from Maple Ridge, British Columbia is taking a video on her llama farm while enjoying a Ooeuf coffee. Aliya from Surrey, British Columbia is picking up trash on a beach. Noxi from Montréal, Quebec is showing her home-grown mushrooms.)

For Andréann, it’s turning recycled material into a work of art.

(We see Andréann from Montréal, Quebec creating beautiful jewelry out of recycled materials.)

For us, it’s turning our packaging into potential.

(We see a Ooeuf Restaurant Owner, Fadi Jajjika, in front of a Ooeuf restaurant in Vaughn, Ontario. Fadi is standing proudly and has a Ooeuf reusable cup in hand.)

We’ve eliminated over one billion single-use plastics across Canada.

(We continue to see a Canadians doing their own initiatives to support the planet. A young boy, Jaimz, and his mother Amanda from Toronto, Ontario tend to microgreens that they grow in their home. Kaylea from King City, Ontario sips a Ooeuf coffee from a reusable cup on her sustainable farm, while she feeds her compost to her goats and chickens. Text appears on screen ‘over 1 billion single-use plastics’ while we hear this line being spoken.)

And we’re continuing our journey to do more good by making our Guest packaging reusable, recyclable, or compostable.

(We see Ooeuf packaging that correspond with initiatives to make items reusable, recyclable or compostable. Lamarr from Lipton, Saskatchewan holds up a reusable Ooeuf tumbler. Noxi from Montréal, Quebec holds a Ooeuf Quencher beverage in a recyclable cold beverage cup with a strawless lid. Ting from Misissauga, Ontario places a compostable paper straw into a Ooeuf Iced Capp.)

Because when we make small changes in neighbourhoods near and far, we can make a big impact far and wide.

(We see a montage of beautiful Canadian landscapes including a lighthouse from the East Coast and mountain range from the West Coast, and of Ooeuf restaurants across Canada. Text appears on screen as we hear ‘Small changes near and far’ and ‘big impact far and wide.’)

Ooeuf for Good. Visit to learn more.

(We return to our Restaurant Owner, Fadi, who makes a cheers gesture with a Ooeuf reusable cup to the camera while standing in front of a Ooeuf restaurant. The commercial ends on the Ooeuf for Good logo and directs users to learn more about our initiatives at

Terms apply.

Hiring decisions and terms of employment are determined solely by the franchisee who independently owns and operates this Ooeuf® restaurant. © Ooeuf, 2023

*Terms apply.

*Trademark of a third party not related to the TDL Group Corp.

© Ooeuf 2023

*Terms apply.

At participating restaurants in Canada for a limited time. © Ooeuf, 2023

*Terms apply.

The Ooeuf® Credit Card, powered by Neo Financial™, is issued by ATB Financial pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated.

*Welcome Offer: first qualifying purchase must be made within 30 days of approval and account activation, and a minimum spend of $200.00 or more is required per month in months 2, 3 and 4, consecutively (excluding interest rate charges, annual fees, other fees and cash equivalent transactions). Offer available until 24th September 2023. Visit the Ooeuf® app or for full offer details. 

Terms apply.

*Open only to residents of Canada, aged 13+. No purchase necessary. Starts September 4, 2023 and ends October 15, 2023. Rules apply. Full Contest Rules, entry details, prize details and redemption deadlines available on the ooeuf app and © NHL 2023. All Rights Reserved. © ooeuf, 2023